(937) 233-3444 | mail@hhfbc.com
Frequently Asked Questions...

What Is a Life Group?

Life Groups are a structured way for the church to gather regularly within homes for bible teaching, prayer, and fellowship.  Life Groups meet weekly, on various nights for around 2 hours, from Sep - May.

Why Should I Join a Life Group?

There are many great reasons to consider joining a Life Group.  Here are just a few (in no particular order):
1. It's a great way to get know members of the church in a more intimate and informal setting
2. It's an excellent way to obey God's Word as we seek to fulfill the "one another" commands in scripture (encourage, pray, love, serve, disciple)
3. It will help you grow closer to Christ as you study God's Word in more depth each week 

What Should I expect?

You should expect loving Christ-like hospitality and an eagerness from the Life Group leader to know you and serve you as they are able to.  Our Life Group leaders are faithful believers, able to teach, and have a desire to love others well.  As for the groups themselves, some groups will have kids running around underfoot.  Some groups will have dinner, others will not.  Some groups will already know one another fairly well, while other groups will be getting to know one another for the first time.  Most people in Life Groups are members of the church, though some are regular attenders and/or visitors.  

How Do I Join a Group?

You can sign up for a group on the Life Group page below, talk with one of our elders, or speak directly with the Life Group Leader.